Thursday, June 14, 2007


I know, I know, I know. I've been gone for a while, no? Thanks for all the comments while I've been out and about (yes, all of them, even the scary apocalyptic ones).

Until further notice, I guess this blog is on hold while we explore Heritage and UUism. (Quit making the sign of the devil, please.) Bradley and I have found something unique and compelling to the both of us, and we've agreed that what we most want at this time is to explore the church-- to dive in head first and see how it feels.

I don't consider this journey to be over, but I can't say when, if ever, Church Hop will be regularly updated again. If you would like to be notified when something new happens here, email me at redrabbit[at]gmail[dot]com. Or use the RSS feeds, whatevs.

Thank you for your readership, and definitely for your feedback on all matters Church Hop. :)