1. Who attended? Bradley and Erica.
2. How welcome did you feel at this church?
BRADLEY: 5, for it's length
3. Pictures of the church: Okay, I screwed up this week. I only remembered one picture this time, and I'm lucky even to have that. AND the church doesn't have a website so I can't steal one. Use your imagination. It looked like a church.
4. Name/location of the church:
Full Gospel Assembly
11850 Lebanon Road
Loveland, Ohio 45140
5. Was it recommended to Church Hop? No, it's on our way to our grandmother's.
6. Time/duration of services: 10:45am until somewhere near 1pm.
7. What type of religion does the church cater to? Um. Even Wikipedia was clueless on this one-- can anyone lend a land here? It was Christian... that's all I have for ya.
8. Who did you meet? Okay, this is why I usually write responses on Sunday, right after services. There was one woman who was exceedingly welcoming and nice... I believe her name was Cindy.
9. If applicable, scans of tracts/handouts/etc. We never got a program and we couldn't find one on the way out. Nothin' doing.
10. Church Hoppers' personal experience with the church, additional details:
ERICA: As you can see, I dropped the ball on this one. I forgot to take a picture, which must have been bad luck from the beginning. We couldn't find a handout, either, and there's no website. So I'm not a lot of help this week.
Full Gospel Assembly was... interesting. A heavy focus on music-- and I was astounded to see so much GOOD music. Seriously. We started off with one hymn, all together, and then we were told we could sit. After that was a full hour of various churchy duets, solos, full band numbers... you name it. There were guitar solos, multiple keyboards/pianos, and soloists-- mostly older woman-- who can seriously belt out a note. It was really quite dumbfounding.
Unfortunately, the sermon completely lost me. It was the driest to date, and probably the longest. It was very teach-y, speaking to specific scripture and elaborating on what it meant-- like an adult Sunday school, but I believe their actual Bible study was at a different time. (By which I mean that I don't think we accidentally stumbled into an actual adult Sunday school, though I know they exist.) Here's the thing, though-- I seemed to be the only person having a hard time paying attention. Most everyone else sat there attentively, for which I commend them. Maybe it's an acquired taste, but I did not enjoy it.
So the church balanced out for me. I really loved the first hour but the second one left me uninspired (though I honestly tried to listen and take it in) and unaffected.
Brad: Well, Erica and I visited another very, very long church.
When we first got there, we saw that their weren't a lot of people at this church. We had to wait in the car a few minutes before we saw where everyone else was going in. Upon entering, I saw the normal things-people greeting other people in the lobby. The previous service was still running, so sis and I just walked around until things were ready. We came in, and the band was setting up on the huge stage. The church looked very nice, and clean too.
The beginning was ok, although I still have to mention how long it was. I was waiting for us to sit down, but after every song somebody would lead us into a prayer. It all took so long before the sermon, it really made me loose interest, despite by best efforts to keep up with it. There was a lot to take in too, the band was amazing, but overall overpowering.
Then came the sermon, which I found a little dry for my taste. I guess the preacher gave a more "classic" style sermon, because he went on to quote, then define a scriptural passage.
All in all, with the exception of it's length, this wasn't a bad church.
"Use your imagination. It looked like a church."
Now that is funny! heh heh
dont play GOD he will get you
I am a member of this church and I can tell you one thing these people are the real deal...they are the same people on sat nite as they are on sunday morning...I know that I can call on any of my brother's or sister's in christ and they will pray with me till I pray through... I'm so thankful for a church where you can participate and be an active christian...come try God out...if you don't like him the devil will always take you back!!!!!
someones goffing around here.......he he he
anyways I at least like the picture of the church room at the top of the page.
Thanks LaVern Williams
P.S. if you get time stop by my website and say hi anytime at.........Solid Rock Bible Ministries - of Fresno CA
Bradley and Erica,
I'm not for sure what your mission is with this, but I see there has been no activity since 2007, so I'm praying you are in church and praying that you're seeking God's will. I myself went to different churches or a long time(not to do a Siskell/Ebert thing) but to see where God wanted me to be and to find one right for ME. I was so very lost in sin and 10 years ago my husband and I stopped at a little church that welcomed me in with hugs and smiles. They taught me. They shared GODS word with me and accepted me and my family. I'm still there at Full Gospel Assembly. I'm writing not to be bitter because my God tells me to love everyone and not to judge, that's his job. I'm writing because I bothered because you didn't stay long enough to report about my 80 year old pastor that will NEVER miss a hospital visit of members and non-members, will be there for you no matter what, that will allow the Lord to conduct our service as HE wishes, that can teach you more in a 30 minute visit than you could learn in a lifetime. A Pastor that loves unconditionally and will serve and obey the Lord. And you missed a church family that will pray knowing God will answer because His word says He will. You missed out and I'm sorry because I think the two hours you gave could have been a life changing experience. You're right you did not get a good "picture". You missed the real "picture" I pray for you and Erica as you travel and ask that you return to Full Gospel Assembly and give us a chance. We have to come together and lift up not destroy. I hope you recieve this invitation because I truly pray you come back if only to hear our music and share God's joy. I remember you so I'll be watching for you!! I'll help you write the next review! ha. Although I liked the part about the nice girl!
God Bless You and see you soon!
wow. I can't believe I just came across this. Bradley and Erica I'm not going to sit here and speak bad about you, but give you some good advice. Stop looking for churches that fit YOUR TASTE. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU! its about GOD! You will never find something that will satisfy you if God's in it..since it appears you arn't seeking what GOd wants rather just what you want. It's such a disappointment to know you were rating churches..
Hey Church hoppers, is this sight still active? I am one of the members that attend church#29. You know the one that looks like a church.I think I know what the purpose of this site is, but I'm not sure you can judge anything by one service. We don't cater to a religion, only to the gospel of Jesus Christ, you must be born again.The name alone should have told you we are a spirit filled church. The difference is we allow you to worship as the spirit leads you.Definetly not a cookie cutter church. As for on the way to grandmas house, yes we are. Do you know how many grandmothers prayers have pulled a lost soul out of hell's fire? Thank God for grandmothers. As for the music yes we love it! Southern Gospel, contempary, praise and worship even a blue grass tune every now and then. One thing for sure they are sung by people who knows what it is to be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! As for the preaching yeah it probably was to deep for just Sunday Morning church goers!
We have Bible Study on Thurs. so when we come in on sunday we can also have some meat with the milk.
So if you are looking for a church that loves Jesus will pray for you when you are up or in need, that can sing you a song with the spirit of God and that will welcome you in without begging you for your money, you have found a home! With love & prayers from one of the older women who can belt it out!Susan
4/2012: I have been going to this church about 6 weeks and have felt Gods presence each and every time. I'm coming from a church in such turmoil it's a shame. This church has been such a welcome to me after the mess we came out of (and we went to that church 40 years). A new pastor came in after our dear pastor passed and he has ruined that church. Full gospel has been a breath of fresh air.
I went to this Church & am a life long member , Cindy is a true Christian and so is Larry- then there is Nancy and her family (hi Shelley,Russ ,Crystal and the kids)then there's the music - top notch, Brother Tim is passionate with his sermon if you don't get it you ain't listening . I don't know what else I can say except this body of Christ took me in when none other would. My Love to all the Family...Daniel M.Sears
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